Foodtech Restaurant & 送餐Angular JS管理仪表板

Foodtech Restaurant & 送餐Angular JS管理仪表板

Created: Mar 3, 2021

Updated: Mar 3, 2021

ID: 172401


Foodtech Restaurant & 送餐Angular JS管理仪表板

Food-Tech是一家餐厅 & 送餐Angular JS管理仪表板 template that is built to help e-commerce websites have a bird's eye view on their products and storage. Package Include 50+ html5 pages that can help you customize how your Angular JS Admin dashboard will look, 你可以根据自己的需要调整它的设计.It has a clean, unique, and out of the box design that will make you want to work on your dashboard. With over a 1000+ elements and components, not even the sky is the limit with Food-Tech. With user-friendly features developed to allow Angular JS Admins to easily achieve the design they are looking for, with no previous experience required and all located in an easy-to-find menu.

Foodtech Restaurant & 送餐Angular JS管理仪表板 Pages Info

  1. (/ app /组件/页面/家)
  2. Menu Catalogue (/app/components/pages/product/product-catalogue)
  3. Menu List (/app/components/pages/product/product-list)
  4. Menu Grid (/app/components/pages/product/product-grid)
  5. Add Menu (/app/components/pages/product/add-product)
  6. Menu Detail (/app/components/pages/product/product-detail)
  7. Invoice Detail (/app/components/pages/invoice/invoice-detail)
  8. invoice List (/app/components/pages/invoice/invoice-list)
  9. Customer Review (/app/components/pages/customer/customer-review)
  10. Customer List (/app/components/pages/customer/customer-list)
  11. Social Activity (/app/components/pages/customer/social)
  12. Accordions (/app/components/pages/ui-basic/accordions)
  13. 警报(/ app /组件/页面/ ui-basic /警报)
  14. 按钮(/ app /组件/页面/ ui-basic /按钮)
  15. Breadcrumbs (/app/components/pages/ui-basic/breadcrumbs)
  16. 徽章(/ app /组件/页面/ ui-basic /徽章)
  17. 卡(/ app /组件/页面/ ui-basic /卡)
  18. Progress Bars (/app/components/pages/ui-basic/progress-bars)
  19. Preloaders (/app/components/pages/ui-basic/preloaders)
  20. Pagination (/app/components/pages/ui-basic/pagination)
  21. 标签(/ app /组件/页面/ ui-basic /标签)
  22. Typography (/app/components/pages/ui-basic/typography)
  23. Draggables (/app/components/pages/ui-advanced/draggables)
  24. Sliders (/app/components/pages/ui-advanced/sliders)
  25. Modals (/app/components/pages/ui-advanced/modals)
  26. Rating (/app/components/pages/ui-advanced/rating)
  27. 旅游(/ app /组件/页面/ ui-advanced /旅游)
  28. CropperJS (/app/components/pages/ui-advanced/cropper)
  29. Range Slider (/app/components/pages/ui-advanced/range-slider)
  30. Form Elements (/app/components/pages/form/form-elements)
  31. Form Layouts (/app/components/pages/form/form-layouts)
  32. Form Validation (/app/components/pages/form/form-validation)
  33. Form Wizard (/app/components/pages/form/form-wizard)
  34. ChartJS (/ app /组件/页面/图表/ ChartJS)
  35. Google Charts (/app/components/pages/charts/google-charts)
  36. Basic Tables (/app/components/pages/tables/basic-tables)
  37. Data Tables (/app/components/pages/tables/data-tables)
  38. Sweet Alerts (/app/components/pages/popups/sweet-alerts)
  39. 吐司(/ app /组件/页面/弹出窗口/面包)
  40. Fontawesome Icons(/app/components/pages/icons/fontawesome)
  41. Flaticons (/app/components/pages/icons/flaticons)
  42. Material Icons (/app/components/pages/icons/materialize)
  43. Google Maps (/app/components/pages/maps/google-maps)
  44. Vector Maps (/app/components/pages/maps/vector-maps)
  45. Web Analytics (/app/components/pages/dashboard/web-analytics)
  46. Project Management (/app/components/pages/dashboard/project-management)
  47. Client Management (/app/components/pages/dashboard/client-management)
  48. Default Login (/app/components/pages/prebuilt-pages/default-login)
  49. Modal Login (/app/components/pages/prebuilt-pages/modal-login)
  50. Default Register (/app/components/pages/prebuilt-pages/default-register)
  51. Modal Register (/app/components/pages/prebuilt-pages/modal-register)
  52. Lock Screen (/app/components/pages/prebuilt-pages/lock-screen)
  53. Coming Soon (/app/components/pages/prebuilt-pages/coming-soon)
  54. Error (/app/components/pages/prebuilt-pages/error)
  55. faq (/ app /组件/页面/ prebuilt-pages /常见问题)
  56. Portfolio (/app/components/pages/prebuilt-pages/portfolio)
  57. User Profile (/app/components/pages/prebuilt-pages/user-profile)
  58. Invoice (/app/components/pages/prebuilt-pages/invoice)
  59. 聊天(/ app /组件/页面/应用程序/聊天)
  60. 电子邮件(/ app /组件/页面/应用程序/电子邮件)
  61. To-do-list (/app/components/pages/apps/to-do-list)
  62. 订单(/ app /组件/页面/订单)
  63. Restaurants List (/app/components/pages/restaurants)
  64. 销售(/ app /组件/页面/销售)
  65. 小部件(/ app /组件/页面/部件)
  66. 动画(/ app /组件/页面/动画)
  67. Go to /app/app.routing.modules.ts and see the urls & 为每个页面找到合适的模块.

Foodtech Restaurant & 送餐Angular JS管理仪表板 Template Features:

  1. Built on Angular 11
  2. Attractive Homepage
  3. 在任何设备上响应
  4. Retina Ready
  5. 创意和美丽的布局
  6. Fast, Lightweight & Powerful
  7. 平滑过渡效果
  8. ES6+
  9. 简洁专业的编码
  10. 创意与现代设计
  11. Bootstrap (v4.6.0)
  12. 简单客户端路由(基于页面)
  13. 谷歌字体和图标使用
  14. 集成与IcoFont和FlatIcon
  15. Easily Customizable
  16. Well Commented Code
  17. 详细的文档

Foodtech Restaurant & 送餐Angular JS管理仪表板 Dependencies

Here are the dependencies list which being used in the Foodtech Angular Template:


  1. "@agm/core": "^1.0.0",
  2. :“@angular /动画~ 11.1.0",
  3. “@angular /普通”:“~ 11.1.0",
  4. “@angular /编译器”:“~ 11.1.0",
  5. “@angular /核心”:“~ 11.1.0",
  6. “@angular /形式”:“~ 11.1.0",
  7. “@angular /谷歌地图”:“^ 11.1.2",
  8. :“@angular / platform-browser ~ 11.1.0",
  9. :“@angular / platform-browser-dynamic ~ 11.1.0",
  10. :“@angular /路由器~ 11.1.0",
  11. :“@auth0 / angular-jwt ^ 5.0.2",
  12. "@google/maps": "^1.1.3",
  13. “@highcharts /地图收集”:“^ 1.1.3",
  14. :“@ng-bootstrap / ng-bootstrap ^ 9.0.2",
  15. “@popperjs /核心”:“^ 2.6.0",
  16. :“@sweetalert2 / ngx-sweetalert2 ^ 9.0.0",
  17. :“@toverux / ngx-sweetalert2 ^ 4.0.0",
  18. :“@types / cropperjs ^ 1.3.0",
  19. “@types / jquery”:“^ 3.5.5",
  20. :“@types / sortablejs ^ 1.10.6",
  21. :“angular-cropperjs ^ 1.0.2",
  22. :“angular-crumbs ^ 3.0.1",
  23. :“angular-sortablejs ^ 2.7.0",
  24. "angular2-jwt": "^0.2.3",
  25. "animate.css": "^4.1.1",
  26. "bootstrap": "^4.6.0",
  27. "chart.js": "^2.9.4",
  28. "cropperjs": "^1.5.9",
  29. "highcharts": "^9.0.0",
  30. :“highcharts-angular ^ 2.9.0",
  31. :“ion-rangeslider ^ 2.3.1",
  32. "jquery": "^3.5.1",
  33. :“ng-bootstrap-form-validation ^ 9.0.1",
  34. "ng-wizard": "^1.3.0",
  35. "ng2-charts": "^2.4.2",
  36. :“ng2-completer ^ 9.0.1",
  37. :“ng2-google-charts ^ 6.1.0",
  38. :“ng2-ion-range-slider ^ 2.0.0",
  39. :“ng2-smart-table ^ 1.7.2",
  40. :“ngx-pagination ^ 5.0.0",
  41. :“ngx-perfect-scrollbar ^ 10.1.0",
  42. "ngx-popper": "^7.0.0",
  43. :“ngx-slick-carousel ^ 0.5.1",
  44. :“ngx-sortablejs ^ 11.1.0",
  45. "ngx-toastr": "^13.2.0",
  46. :“ngx-tour-core ^ 4.2.0",
  47. :“ngx-tour-md-menu ^ 4.2.0",
  48. :“ngx-tour-ngx-popper ^ 4.1.1",
  49. "ngx-wow": "^2.0.1",
  50. "popper.js": "^1.16.1",
  51. "rxjs": "~6.6.0",
  52. "rxjs-compat": "^6.6.3",
  53. :“slick-carousel ^ 1.8.1",
  54. "sortablejs": "^1.13.0",
  55. "sweetalert2": "^10.14.0",
  56. "tslib": "^2.0.0",
  57. "wowjs": "^1.1.3",
  58. "zone.js": "~0.11.3"


  1. :“@angular-devkit / build-angular ~ 0.1101.1",
  2. :“@angular / cli ~ 11.1.1",
  3. :“@angular / compiler-cli ~ 11.1.0",
  4. “@types /茉莉花”:“~ 3.6.0",
  5. "@types/node": "^12.11.1",
  6. "codelyzer": "^6.0.0",
  7. "jasmine-core": "~3.6.0",
  8. :“jasmine-spec-reporter ~ 5.0.0",
  9. "karma": "~5.2.0",
  10. :“karma-chrome-launcher ~ 3.1.0",
  11. :“karma-coverage ~ 2.0.3",
  12. :“karma-jasmine ~ 4.0.0",
  13. :“karma-jasmine-html-reporter ^ 1.5.0",
  14. "protractor": "~7.0.0",
  15. "ts-node": "~8.3.0",
  16. "tslint": "~6.1.0",
  17. "typescript": "~4.1.2"

